Guitars & Theorbo
30 November, 1pm
Swedish Church, London
Lunchtime Recital with pianist Irena Radić presents a programme dedicated to the French masters Debussy and Ravel.
Free Entry.
23 November, 6pm
Britten Theatre RCM, London
Jonatan performs a selection of Preludes by Debussy and Augustín Barrios Mangoré's Un Sueño el la Floresta.
20 November, 7,30pm
Britten Theatre, RCM, London
RCM Guitar Showcase
12 November, 6pm
Inner Parry Room, RCM, London
Jonatan and Irena Radić performs their own arrangement of Ravel's Ma mère l'oye.
6 November, 1pm
Southbank Centre
Luntchtime concert
23 August, 7.30pm
Parish Church, Midhurst
Classical Concert during the Midhurst Music Arts & Drama Festival
10 July, 7.30pm
St. John's Church Cathedral Square, Peterborough
Jonatan Bougt, guitar & Irena Radić, piano
27 June, 7.30pm
"The Art of Classical Guitar
West Sussex Guitar Club presents an evening of guitar solos, duets and ensembles with the guitar, performed by its most talented past and present members who have built successful professional careers in music.
30 April, 1.05pm
Recital Hall, RCM, London
RCM Lunchtime Concert
Jonatan Bougt, guitar & Irena Radić, piano
22 March
Victoria & Albert Museum
Light of Music Festival
Jonatan is part of the premier of Babak Kazemi's piece the Norooz Suite.
19 March, 7.30pm
Amaryllis Flemming Concert Hall, London
RCM New Perspectives
Jonatan Bougt, guitar & Daniel Scott, flute
23/2, 6pm
Recital Hall, RCM, London
RCM Rush Hour Concert
19 February, 1pm
Recital Hall, RCM, London
RCM Lunchtime Concert
15 February
Chichester Guitar Festival
2 February, 6pm
Inner Parry Room, RCM, London
Jonatan Bougt, guitar & Daniel Scott, flute